Player or Client) |
VObject: The
vehicle object Id.
Player: The object Id. Example: 8361.
Client: The Client Id. Example: 2049.
USED IN: Vehicle.cs
RETURN: True if Player or Client can mount the vehicle. False if can't
mount or failed. |
Used to see if
there is room for the Player or Client to mount the VObject.
Vehicle::nextPassengerPoint(Vobject) |
VObject: The
vehicle object Id.
USED IN: Not currently used in any script files.
RETURN: Number. The next available mount point. If failed then -1. |
Used to get the
next available mount point on the vehicle. |
Vehicle::incPassengers(Vobject) |
VObject: The
vehicle object Id.
USED IN: Not currently used in any script files.
RETURN: True if succeed or False or -1 if failed. |
Used to increment
the passenger counter for the VObject. |
Vehicle::incPassengers(Vobject) |
VObject: The
vehicle object Id.
USED IN: Not currently used in any script files.
RETURN: True if succeed or False or -1 if failed. |
Used to decrement
the passenger counter for the VObject. |
Mpoint) |
Vobj: The object
Id of the vehicle.
Mpoint: The mount point.
USED IN: Vehicle.cs
RETURN: Position. The X, Y, and Z position of the Mpoint. Example:
"X Y Z". |
Used to get the
position of the desired Mpoint. There are two Mpoints on a Scout,
four on a LPC, and six on an HPC. Mpoint zero is the driver mount
position. Mpoint one is the drivers exit point. Mpoints two through
six are the passenger Mpoints. |